Monday, August 12, 2013

Flouride and Fecal Coliform Bacteria

Knowing About the Water


Fluoride in water can be detrimental on beneficial, it all depends on the concentration. Research has shown that a concentration of about one milligram per liter (ppm) of fluoride in drinking water reduces tooth decay. 

When drinking water contains excessive fluoride above 2 ppm, it causes “endemic dental fluorosis” sometimes called “colored brown stain” it appears as a dark brown mottling or spotting of the teeth or causes them to become chalky white. When Fluoride is above 4ppm a serious bone disorder called “crippling skeletal fluorosis” can occur. 

Fecal Coliform Bacteria

Fecal coliform bacteria such as Escherichia Coli (E. Coli), grown in the intestines of human beings and other warm blooded animals since they are discharged in astronomical numbers (approximately 400 Billion per day in warm weather regions) in human excrement, their presence in a water sample is an indication of human sewage. This can represent a very serious threat to human health when found in the water supply. If detected the water cannot be used for consumption at all and the source of it must be taken care of and stopped.

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